
Passwords Must Be Unique For Each Website or App – MyFitnessPal

The MyFitnessPal app suffers a data breach. What does that have to do with your business? You need to make sure you continue to educate your work team about the importance of having different passwords for accounts you use for work vs accounts you use personally.  If a member of your team used the same password to access MyFitnessPal as is used to access websites related to work, you could be at increased risk.

The 3 things you need to do:

  1. Discuss passwords with your team. Moving from awareness to action improves when you can make it real. This is real.
  2. Have a common sense security policy that is understood, implemented and test it. Moving to compliance starts with education and repeat offenders need to be treated seriously.
  3. Review your security strategy. If you don’t have a strategy for cyber security you will only be able to react. Being proactive gives you more options.

#MyFitnessPal #Databreach